With an incredible atmosphere brewing around the ground, the first 10 minutes were dominated by the scrums which saw Connacht on top. unpopular opinion: I don’t like her and Yeza.A dominant performance by the pack and a raucous Sportsground crowd helped Connacht to their first win of the season tonight with a 20-11 victory over Munster.Combine that with the fact that all the bullying left her already thinking she was deficient as a person, I think being a mother was super hard for her. Knowing what the right thing to do as a mother doesn’t just come instinctively, and she didn’t seem to have much family or friend support. random headcanon: I have a pretty firm headcanon that Nott underwent a lot of agony around her worthiness as a mother after Luc was born.nOTP: I feel like there just aren’t enough Nott ships in the fandom for me to have developed a nOTP for them, and those few that there are seem legit.OTP: in a nonromantic way, absolutely Caleb.Jester needed a friend like Nott who could be her partner in chaos and Nott needed a friend like Jester who could accept her so unreservedly. brOTP: Jester!! God I’m so glad these two found each other.“I am the greatest detective of all time!”.“This pain that you have that you wear all over you like a mask, it’s just that and you can take it off someday…”.“Chemistry’s good, baby, but killin’ is better.”.favorite line: god!! so many classics but I have to pick just one.

say sorry to caduceus for hurting him nott. stop trying to hook caleb up with his toxic ex nott. by this point her friends have mostly just chalked it up to “that’s just how Our Friend Nott is” but it’s not a character trait I love.

fuck, the story doesn’t have to end when you die. she is a wife and mother character very much at the center of her own story! nott shows that the story doesn’t have to end when you get married, or have a kid. but I think my favorite thing about her whole character concept overall is that she is so far outside of the parameters of the usual female character set.